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Sequana: a set of NGS pipelines

This page serves as an additional set of resources for the Sequana project. Sequana is comprised of a Python library, the documentation of which is accessible on Read The Docs. The source code for the Python library can be found on GitHub.

One of the primary objective of the Sequana project is to offer a collection of NGS pipelines. The pipelines currently available are located on PyPI and the Sequana GitHub organisation page, each having their own repository. For instance, the RNA-seq pipeline can be found at sequana/rnaseq.

This page is also a place for providing supplementary information to the main repositories.



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Report examples (click on the image)

The following was generated with the Sequana Coverage standalone application and keep here a it is reference in other places. This is the coverage along a virus genome where the black dot line represent the coverage, the blue is the median coverage, and red lines are the top and bottow thresholds for detecting event of interest.